Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Children

Elizabeth and Mason Kramer

Benjamin, Sophie and Henry Lee

Kian Christopher

Molly Beth

Emmalee, Emmalynn, Emmalani and Emmalia

Jennifer Ann

Faith and Patience

Emily and Lissa

Lucy, Rose, Kolbie and Kiran

Sophie, Sarah and Esmeralda

Kobi, Kadi and David James

Andrew, Aiden and Emmyleah?

Dear Mr. Perfect

Dear Mr. Perfect,

I am writing you to ask, why it is that you exist. What is it about you that drives me absolutely crazy? You drive me crazy with your inability to shave on some days. You drive me nuts because you have these darn flaws that I understand. You make me feel real because I am not infatuated with you. How is that possible? Why can't I be obsessed with you the way the movies make it seem? I don't want you to change your hair, or shave everyday. I don't care if you have chest hairs or occasionally shave your legs. I find it charming that you want Miss Perfect for a wife. I think you broke my heart when you asked about me to a friend. But made me wonder if that is your way of caring. I want to doubt you and be infatuated. I want you not to exist in my world. I want to be nervous at the sound of your voice. I want to wish you were charming but in reality inconsiderate. You don't complain about your parents. You think your sibling(s) are super cool. You look at me with those soulful eyes. You greet me with smiles that make my heart break. For every moment I want to walk away, it tears me to pieces to have to say, that I am falling for you deeply Mr. Perfect, in a way that I can not explain.

The Girl that No Longer Dreams

I'm Back!

Gosh... it has been a crazy summer. I hate being sick, and this summer seemed to chalk up a lot of sick days on my work tab. Gosh I am glad I have a flexible job. Or else, I might be very well dead and broke. I appreciate the essence of being back at school... but I don't really love what comes with it. Which is the moving to a new place. Starting new classes, looking for a new job. Making new friends, and once again struggling to balance every semblance of a well balanced life with well balanced meals and mental stability. Because really, when you are out of the house 12 hours of the day juggling annoying people, crazy professors, public transportation, the patience not to run someone over with your car and a lot of church activities, it doesn't get easy. It just gets harder. My new place is a mess. I am skipping meals for the pure convenience of not having to cook or clean, and have slept for 2 nights without a pillow because I simply can't find mine nor do I have time to go buy a new one at the store. Thank goodness I have a million towels.. they are soft, and catch the drool.

Oh Berkeley... how I am not in love with you. 2 years I have lived here. Going on year 3 here... moving on to a new level of education, a new degree, a new job... how you never change, even though I seem to grow up without you.