Life is not about where we're going, it is about how we get there and what we do once we've arrived.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Quotation of the Year!
Book of the Season!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Smishmas...

This year I decided to be a good girl and do what my mother told me to do... and I will forever regret it and mother will forever never hear the end of it.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yes, I Need to Clean my Desk
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I Am in Theater, Therefore I Am Surrounded By Drama
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Reconnecting... #1
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Obsessive Sale Shopper
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Being Thankful
Thanksgiving dinner...
Happy Thanksgiving! NO really...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I'm An Incompleter
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
When Your Addiction Will Kill....
Friday, November 20, 2009
Las Vegas Baby!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Happy Birthday to ME!!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
It's Not Game Day Without Kettle Korn
A new discovery has dawn upon a new tradition between EmJ and I. We love to munch, and we love junk. We are in college and we love sports and fun. So we spend a lot of time together going out to eat. I mean the basis of our relationship is over food. Thats where it started and thats where we continue our bond. We love food and our new tradition if Cal football and popcorn!
Since the first game that we went to this year, we eat junk. Its tradition. Two things we have to have every game is popcorn of some sort and soda. Not any soda, but the $5 huge plastic “souvenir” cup of soda that you get only at Cal games. These are cups that we keep talking about keeping but never actually do.
Our new tradition, now that the season is coming to a close that we promise to continue next year is Gold Rush Kettle Korn. They serve this stuff on Calapalooza, at many cal events and especially al Cal football games. We love it! This stuff is like gold for gluten free eaters also because its good, its sweet and salty and its gluten free!
EmJ and I love the stuff and we are going to make sure we walk up the stadiums steps to the food booths at the top of the colosseum from now on so that we can enjoy the good eats that come with the hike. We love it and we love eating it and I think its a tradition that should be long shared forever. This is Cal Football! And this is Kettle Korn territory.
---- We happened to lose this game against Oregan State, but we had fun going to it and that was what mattered to us most. We got to put on Cal face tatoos and have a blast in the blistering cold weather as we sipped cold soda, ate popcorn, and other lovely junky delights. Another winning day with being best friends!
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Drinking Dilemma...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Halloween Extravaganza!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Celiacs Conference
We tasted some amazing food and got to eat with no worries of cross contamination. It was a gluten free event that we got to enjoy and we loved it! There was also gluten free alcohol! Which of course drove us wild! S and L went with me to the conference. S and I are both Celiacs while L used to eat gluten free and now is off the restrictions. But she understands the boat we are in and she is okay with eating gluten free, even if she knows how to enjoy the good stuff.
L and S got to enjoy some major alcohol consumption without ID being checked. It started with asking for Lemonade and ending up with Hard Lemonade, but the girls were not complaining and we each got to walk out of the conference with some gluten free, very tasty, pear flavored beer. The bad thing about this stuff though is that it tastes so good and masks the flavor of alcohol so well... that you will drink it so fast that you will get drunk before it even hits you hard.
We got to do a lot of food tasting, and that was tons of fun, and that was the main reason we went... to eat. But we walked away with a lot of junk food and we got a goody bag that was well worth the price we paid for the ticket. Gluten free food is expensive in itself... and for us to get an all you can eat buffet with open bar and tons of junk... along with a goody bag piled high... its well worth the $35 ticket... I walked home with $60 in free cookies myself... and thats not including the other crap I got for free! I also found a ton of awesome foods that I can eat that I love and taste good. Which is rare.
Some new favorites of mine are Froose Juice, Boar’s Head Meat, and St. Dalfour.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy Pumpkin Carving!!!

I got to spend time with D this past week, its been forever! How do two best friends survive being away from each other for so long? We don't, it was like the reunion from the movies where you run and hug and leap into each other's arms. Its hard being away from your best friend for so long. But this is an essential part of growing up. You know who your real friend are and no matter the circumstances, you will be together through the end of time!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cal Game Day!

Today was Cal game day! Washington State versus Cal in a heated game where we just squished them to pieces. But the real reason this was worth blogging was because it was the first game day that EmJ and I have had together where we were fierce Cal fans and not working the games.
It was our first Cal game! Who would of thought it would take us this long to attend such an event! We have learned that we are fierce Cal game fans! We love our school, and we have the broken voices to prove it. Another fun tradition that will cost us in the end... food. We love the food at Cal games. Today particularly, we decided to just go all our and eat what we wanted when we wanted. The game was a particularly early game at 2pm, and we were slow to start. We wanted face tattoos, but didn’t find them, and we instead settled for beads and Cal colors.
It was a nice fall day that was warm and not freezing which was nice. We also ingested copious amounts of junk food. EmJ and I shared a pink lemonade that didn’t cover our thirst... and then we started with food by ingesting Dibs! Really yummy, not all that great on a chilly day. But they were delicious and neither one of us ate before the game. Then we moved on to carmel popcorn, nachos, a hot dog and we split a soda. Nachos were cold and sucked, carmel popcorn we ate and ate and it never seemed to end, and the soda we swore would have to be purchased every game no matter what! Something dawned on us though... we spent $29 on food between the two of us and we still went out to eat afterwards and ate sushi! Food is expensive! Especially at the game!
But we loved it and we loved that we won the game. EmJ and I will go to another game this season and we swore to get Alumni tickets the following season. We plan on planning things out a little more the following game, but it was fun and that was what counted.
Also something trivial... all along the path to the game, nobody cares about traffic, (which if you are smart, don’t drive in Berkeley on game days), and every club, sorority, and fraternity on campus is selling $1 water bottles on the path to game. Which by the time you make it to the stadium you are wishing you bought their off brand water bottles for $1 instead of huffing and puffing up the steps to the concessions to pay $4.50 for the name brand Dasani. However... rarely do people really drink water at sporting events... whats the point in that when you have beer and soda?
Ej and I have dubbed junk food, soda, loud cheering and going out to eat afterwards our new tradition for Cal game day!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The MALL...
Celiacs Disease
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Project: "Love My Life"
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Greek Carnival
So I decided to attend Greek Carnival with Em and Lis and it was a blast. Aside from the rampage of students trying to sign up for the chance to spend 4 years devoting themselves and their livers to party life of being a fraternity brother... or the selling of ones self esteem to a sorority. (I did it too...) There were fun games, free food and a chance to be on campus, in the schools only consented rager at 1 in the morning. Its funny how the greek system works... its the only time the world turns their heads to underage drinking and irresponsibility. The Cal Greek System is also the only greek system where students can drink from Thursday through Sunday and still uphold a 3.9 GPA.
School Starts Again....

So the new school year has started... which means new challenges have arrived.... work, school... life.