Today was Cal game day! Washington State versus Cal in a heated game where we just squished them to pieces. But the real reason this was worth blogging was because it was the first game day that EmJ and I have had together where we were fierce Cal fans and not working the games.
It was our first Cal game! Who would of thought it would take us this long to attend such an event! We have learned that we are fierce Cal game fans! We love our school, and we have the broken voices to prove it. Another fun tradition that will cost us in the end... food. We love the food at Cal games. Today particularly, we decided to just go all our and eat what we wanted when we wanted. The game was a particularly early game at 2pm, and we were slow to start. We wanted face tattoos, but didn’t find them, and we instead settled for beads and Cal colors.
It was a nice fall day that was warm and not freezing which was nice. We also ingested copious amounts of junk food. EmJ and I shared a pink lemonade that didn’t cover our thirst... and then we started with food by ingesting Dibs! Really yummy, not all that great on a chilly day. But they were delicious and neither one of us ate before the game. Then we moved on to carmel popcorn, nachos, a hot dog and we split a soda. Nachos were cold and sucked, carmel popcorn we ate and ate and it never seemed to end, and the soda we swore would have to be purchased every game no matter what! Something dawned on us though... we spent $29 on food between the two of us and we still went out to eat afterwards and ate sushi! Food is expensive! Especially at the game!
But we loved it and we loved that we won the game. EmJ and I will go to another game this season and we swore to get Alumni tickets the following season. We plan on planning things out a little more the following game, but it was fun and that was what counted.
Also something trivial... all along the path to the game, nobody cares about traffic, (which if you are smart, don’t drive in Berkeley on game days), and every club, sorority, and fraternity on campus is selling $1 water bottles on the path to game. Which by the time you make it to the stadium you are wishing you bought their off brand water bottles for $1 instead of huffing and puffing up the steps to the concessions to pay $4.50 for the name brand Dasani. However... rarely do people really drink water at sporting events... whats the point in that when you have beer and soda?
Ej and I have dubbed junk food, soda, loud cheering and going out to eat afterwards our new tradition for Cal game day!
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