Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Bang New Year

So you know that you are really lame when you are asleep in bed, in your pajamas on the 31st of December, and you wake up to a text message update from facebook and you just figured out that its new years eve, and you are staring at a clock that says 11:56 and you are not sure if that means its about to be new years eve, or its now time for for counting down the new years. So I turn on the tv, and figure out that it is now 4 minutes down to a whole new year, meaning I need to remember to change the last digit when I write the date... and here I was just remembering to change from 09 to 10.

Happy new years... one month late. I did nothing with my weekend, I sat at home and turned off the tv to pretend like it was just another day, and ignore the reality that I am about to pack up to fly to Hawaii for my best friends wedding, and my wedding plans, sit in a pile of papers in a binder, and my perfectly manicured life that I had oh but in my dreams, is totally a fog that I was required to wake up from.

There is a reason you kiss your loved on on New Years... its just makes everything better if you start your new years in love.

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