So to start off, I have been watching a few movies lately, as we can tell from my last blog post about my dramatic Harry Potter viewing. I seem to dart off to the theater after class every single day and I seem to drag a new friend along every time. So I thought I would leave some feedback on movies:
I saw this movie 3 times:

I have watched the following movie 4 times:
This movie was not super great compared to the first one, but it was worth every free ticket that I got to use. The first time I saw it I was exhausted from school and our evening performance, so I missed good pieces from falling asleep. The second time I saw it with Em. The third time I saw it with Dani, later that same day that I saw it with Em. And the fourth time I saw it with Kat. Yes, the movie was action packed enough and cute enough for me to watch it 4 times, in a row within a 10 day period. I will be watching it again for sure. I really enjoyed it. I know for sure I am watching it next week sometime.
So yes, these movies were big winners for me this summer. Harry Potter was never a top list, so it was a disappointment from the opening credits. I never have high hopes for them. However, it was filmed very well and I loved the actors, it was a powerful acting experience. I will watch the aforementioned movies at least 1 more time each of them within the next 2 weeks. Hopefully something else will come out that draws my eye.
Up was good, and My Sister's Keeper was a bust because it didn't follow the book and that bothered me. As for the rest of the movies, I will update you when I find worthy companions and reasons to watch them.
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