Anyway... I decided I am going to justify being a horrible horrible updater by stating the following reasons why I have been so horrible at keeping up to date on my blog.
1. I am in school Monday and Wednesday
2. I am at the Elementary school Tuesday and Fridays
3. I work Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to pay for said #1 excuse.
4. I have taken an interest again in some more extreme forms of activities.
5. Monday night is Bachelor night
6. Thursday night is Grey's Anatomy night
7. I have a new found addiction to Grey's Anatomy... only 29 hours left to watch plus this week
8. I am behind in 1 episode of Bachelor, and about 14 hours of crime scene shows and Greek
9. I had to get my car tuned up
10. I cooked a major amount of food for the freezer
11. and Lastly... because I spent the last 10 minutes making excuses for why I am not updating
Yeah... well, thats my blog for you.