Life is not about where we're going, it is about how we get there and what we do once we've arrived.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Cal Game Day #1 and #3
It's Been A While
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Children
Dear Mr. Perfect
I'm Back!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Someone Special
There is something special about having someone special in your life. Many of us think of our eternal companions, our husbands, boyfriends, fiances, significant others. But there is something special that a girl needs. A best friend. Best friends are not always in the form of your best girlfriend. But it is most of the time. There are relationships built from infancy that last forever. There are high school friends who retire together. Friends are the ones who cover your butt when your dress is too short. Who run to your rescue when your heart is broken. Who stand up for you when you least expect it. Friends are ones who never back down no matter how much you fight.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
5 Fast Fixes for a Stronger Relationship
IF YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS…. Hit pause. This will come in handy the next time he’s really bugging you. Say, when he’s dawdling, making you late again to visit your mother. Before one righteous word flies out of your mouth, FREEZE. Just watch him for 10 seconds. Visualize yourself in his shoes. Visualize him as he looked the first time you fell for him. Pause the action. (In email terms, it’s a kind of a Save As Draft so you don’t actually send the inflammatory message). Ten seconds gives you time to flash on, “Oh, he’s very uncomfortable with my family,” or “Hmmm, he’s been whipped at work and needs to be in control of something (pathetic as his choice may be.)” It might occur to you that “a few minutes late” isn’t worth a fight. Then again, you might conclude that, yes, he is a total jerk. At least you tried.
IF YOU HAVE A MINUTE… This is from a great article in the current Scientific American Mind by Robert Epstein (do it with your guy): Embrace each other gently and gradually synchronize your breathing with his. Just stand there inhaling and exhaling together, as if you were one being. A minute or two of this, apparently, lowers your inhibitions—and that can help people bond.
IF YOU HAVE 2 MINUTES… Jot down three things he’s done lately that you appreciate (OK, one?). Send the list as a note to him in an email at work. Or slip it under his coffee mug in the morning. Or just casually mention, “You know, I dug the way you handled that surly waiter the other day.” Yeah, it’s a tad corny, but experts say it really works. Certainly, if there’s one thing the research on happy long-term couples shows, it’s that they figure out how to accentuate the positive. “When you say or list what you appreciate in him, it brings those things more to the forefront of the mind,” says Gail Saltz, MD, Today Show commentator and author ofThe Ripple Effect: How Better Sex Can Lead to a Better Life. “It also prompts him to say what he really appreciates about you.”
IF YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES… Here’s another good one from Epstein: Standing or sitting fairly close to your partner, start moving your hands, arms, and legs any way you like—but in a fashion that perfectly mimics his. “This is fun but also challenging,” Epstein writes. “You will both feel as if you are moving voluntarily, but your actions are also linked to those of your partner.” See if this doesn’t activate your empathy circuits.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sand Castle Mania
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lucky Me!
Sooo, Turner walked into the institute about 10 minutes ago and said, "Hey, I have something for you". Me, being very drained from an early morning and lots of rain, became very giddy at the thought of something just for me! So I bounced around the couches like a 5 year old and asked what it could be! Low and behold, its cake! Not any cake, but gluten free cake! A 4 layer, chocolate cake with chocolate ganache in the middle and strawberries! Apparently, Turner has a father and sister who has celiacs and was kind enough to bring a quarter of the cake with him back to school to share with me! Because he said its easy for everyone to get cake, but not so easy for me! How sweet is that! Kes said that Turner is a booger, but I think he is awesome! Well, usually he is a booger, but today, he is awesome!
Hot Dogs
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mormon Helping Hands Day
What the Future Looks Like...
It's scary how quickly our lives change, and how quickly the little kids we once were become the working professionals that live off coffee (or cocoa), and get into the office at 8, leave at 5 and then join the massive amount of single people who eat over the sink by themselves. I thrive on the social life that is around me, and I thrive on the penances I make at my job. But it hits me, I am still not living that 8-5 life yet, and I am not eating over the sink alone in my business suit. I still have a couple years, and a view like this, really makes a girl think that she should enjoy her last couple of younger years.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Why DUI?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
When Exams Happen...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Gratitude Greedy?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Rebuilding Together
A great project where we rebuilt and installed new appliances into the homes of the elderly and disables. There are different projects run every Saturday, and each one of them is for a different person or family that is in need of home repairs to make their lives easier. Usually these are elderly people living on their own or disabled in the same situation. This was another service project for the ward that we really enjoyed coming together and doing. However, I think RT underestimated how many people were going to show up because our group was shuffled around a lot, as they tried to find places for us to work and things for us to do. Who knew there could be too many people wanting to help better the community.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Midnight Snack?
Monday, April 19, 2010
I am Going to...

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy Tax Day!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Black Eyed Peas!